Teaching Models

Our Teaching Models Equipment and Miscellaneous range at San Medical Supply includes a variety of high-quality products designed to support sterile processing and infection control in healthcare facilities. 

Teaching Models Equipments and Miscellaneous:
Adult CPR Model
Adult Trauma Manikin
Advanced Manikin Model
Airway Model
Arm Puncture Model
Breast Model
Child Scalp Venipuncture Training
Delivery Model
Delivery, Maternal and Neonatal
Female Pelvis Model
Hand Blood Transfusuion Model
Hand Suture Model
Infant Model
Infant Resuscitation Model
Maternity Examination Model
Muscular Skeleton Model
NG Tube Model
Nursing Training Model
Perinium Suture Model
Pregnancy Model
Simulative Sthestescope
Skull Model
Surgical Skill Model
Suture kit
Vascular Skeleton
Obstetric Model